Hey Lady Buc Fans!
How’s it going out there? We’ve had a tough week here at CSU with some hard fought games and studying for final exams. We have been working very hard on the court to fix the little things that will help us win. Not only are we working hard on the court but off the court as well. This week is exam week! I was a little nervous because this is this the first time I have had to take exams at the college level. Fortunately, I only have to take three exams because I took an accelerated computer class earlier this semester which ended October 14th and I am in Freshman Seminar which does not have an exam. I have already taken two exams, College Algebra and Art Appreciation. I made an A on my Art exam and I am still waiting to receive my grade in math. My last exam is Friday- Public Speaking so wish me luck! Yesterday, December 7th, was a special day for me. It was my dad’s birthday and I found out that my cousin is having a baby girl. Her due date is Cinco de Mayo- pretty cool, huh? Ha.
I am really looking forward to Saturday… home game baby! OBWB (Only Bucs Win in the Bucdome) This is one of our goals as a team and I know that we can do it! Our opponent this Saturday is Pfeiffer at 2 pm so be there!! We are all excited to play and I know we’re going to have an awesome game to glorify God. It’s also a double header which is fun because I really like to watch the guys play... especially #11 Matt Kennedy :) Their play is much different from the guys teams where I’m from because guys couldn’t ever really dunk in games, so our men’s team is much more exciting to watch… I know this is a tad long but I just want to add- I love my team. We have a really special bond- better than any team I have ever been a part of and with every day I learn more about them and they teach me things about myself. I am so thankful for all of them. I love you guys! :)
Oh and beware there is a wind chill today (a text from JG at 6:51AM!) who ever knew it was going to be freezing in Charleston?! I was trying to get away from the cold weather! I'm from the mountains of Western North Carolina- it snowed there this week and my brother & sister were out of school.... so jealous! But I thought Charleston was warm- I was definitely mistaken! Well, that’s all that’s going on this week. Have a great Christmas holiday everyone! Remember, Luke 18:27 “What is impossible with men is possible with God.”- so bring it! MP!! GO BUCS!
Kirklin Kirkpatrick (Kirk) or according to Lyd- Kirkie :) #21

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