
Buccaneer BasketBlog - Abby Poole - February 17, 2011

The women's basketball team will be providing fans a unique look inside the program as members of the team contribute to a weekly blog.

Hey there Lady Buc Fans….

What’s going on? It’s been a while since I got to tell you about what’s going on with us. I am in my last semester here at good ole CSU, I have to admit it’s bittersweet. I am excited to graduate and move on to another chapter in my life. First though….we have to win the Big South Championship. This past weekend, Beth Boyle, one of our biggest fans came along with us on the bus and the whole trip to High Point. The day of, if you walked past her office she was bouncing off the walls excited to come and be a part of the team. Beth told us she had never been a part of a team before, I was excited to be a part of her first experience. The whole trip up Beth was wide awake she couldn’t sit still. She showed us a video that was made by her for us, about our team…she had other people on campus give us words of encouragement…Mrs. Dixon, some students, Jessie our bible study leader, Coach Kelly….all of them were amazing, for a few of us seniors including myself the video brought tears to our eyes….and many of us were ready to play as soon as she showed us the video!!! It was awesome & I hope she puts it on Facebook soon..Hint hint!!

As you all know Valentine’s day was this past Monday… Valentine’s day for me is very special because it is the same day as mine and Andrew’s anniversary…a whole 16 months!! Coach was so gracious to re-schedule practice from 4pm to 6:30am so that we would be able to have Valentine’s night off. Mine started off great around 1ish I was delivered a beautiful bouquet of tulips (pictures on facebook), but if you know me you know Andrew likes to spoil me, later that day I spent the rest of my time with him and his family. We had dominos heart shaped pizza’s for dinner then we exchanged valentines gifts. You would have thought it was Christmas all over again…Andrew gave me a stuffed animal, chocolate covered pretzels..my favorite, some new earrings, and an auxiliary cord for when I get my birthday present installed.  I gave him 2 DVD’s and some candy…he loved it. That isn’t the end of Valentine’s though, we went out to eat on Wednesday to California Dreaming, gosh that place is so good!! The good thing about February is that it’s my birthday month also!!! Which means more reasons for Andrew to spoil me…I already know what I’m getting for my birthday and its getting installed on Saturday when we are out of town so Monday night when we get back from spanking PC and Asheville I will already have my Birthday present!! I bet your all wondering what it is…he is getting a new radio/cd player put into my car so that I will be able to play my ipod without having to find a good channel. WOOOHOO! If you are interested to see what else he surprises me with check out Facebook next week I’m almost positive there will be pictures!!

I just want to add that all of my teammates are amazing and by far this year has been the best year! I love you all so much and thank you for making my senior year so great!! SENIOR NIGHT IS FRIDAY MARCH 4 AT 7pm—vs Coastal Carolina. We better have a packed house that night..and get there early to watch us seniors get recognized!! Thank you all for all of your support this season, you guys are what make it so enjoyable to play and be proud to represent an amazing school like CSU.
Love y’all

Abby Poole #14